MSA runs an 8 game season for youth players, from 4U to 19U age groups. We have separate leagues for girls and boys for birth years 2021-2006. We strictly go by birth years, not school grades. Please be aware that this may prevent your player from automatically playing with a school friend. Players are able to play up age groups, but are not allowed to play in younger age groups. You will just need to check off on playing up an age group on the registration form if this is your situation.
This is a recreational league. We welcome all skills and abilities.
FALL SEASON- Our fall season begins in September and runs through mid-November. Registration for this season begins in May and ends in July. We do not break for Fall Break. That means you will possibly be playing during a scheduled school break weekend. We provide jerseys for all registered players in the U4-U10 age groups in the fall season.
SPRING SEASON- Our spring season begins each March and runs through early May. Registration for this starts in November and ends in January. We do break one weekend to observe Spring Break and we reserve the Saturday before Easter for make-up games from spring weather or other scheduling conflicts. This means that you possibly will have to play either the beginning or end of Spring Break, the Saturday before Easter, or possibly Mother's Day weekend. We provide jerseys for all BRAND NEW registered players to the league or the returning players playing on different teams from the fall season in the U4-U10 age groups. Not all players will receive new jerseys.
FEES- There is a one time season fee depending on your player's age group.
U4-U5 players - $105 (includes a jersey and soccer ball)
U6-U8 players - $105 (includes a jersey)
U9-U10 players - $105 (includes a jersey)
U11-U19 players - $105 (doesn’t include a jersey)
Out of City Fee - $10 (any player that lives outside of McKinney, there is a $10 fee)
Participation medals will be given to the U4-U8 age groups. 1st & 2nd place medals will be given to the top 2 teams of each bracket in the U9 through U12 age groups. U13 and up medals will be awarded by Frisco Soccer Association.
GAME DAYS- Most games are scheduled for Saturdays from 9am to 4pm. Some weeknight games on Tuesdays and Thursdays are possible due to scheduling conflicts and/or weather cancellations. Games will be played at Al Ruschhaupt Soccer Complex and McKinney Soccer Complex at Craig Ranch. Our U13 and up age groups will have games in Frisco in addition to the McKinney complex.
TEAMS- Teams are placed via a blind draft. Requests can be made to play with a friend, sibling, coach or team but are not guaranteed. Returning players to the team do get first priority in placement back on the team they played for the most previous season if they register during on-time registration. If a player registers during late or waitlist registration and wants to return back to their team, there may not be room for the player to return back to the team. Players who register on-time receive priority. MSA also tries to form teams based on what school your home address is currently zoned for depending on the number of players registered from the school. The more specific you are with registration notes, the better we can try and accommodate the request. Please note again, this is only a request and not a guarantee.
PRACTICES- Practices times and locations are determined by the coach of the team you are placed on. If you would like to have a say in when and where you would like your player to practice, please sign-up to coach today!
EQUIPMENT- Players should be outfitted with appropriately sized shin guards with soccer socks to cover and an appropriate size ball. We provide a ball for the U4 and U5 age groups only. Cleats are optional but if you choose to wear cleats, please make sure they are soccer specific. (no toe cleats or metal studs) Your player should also bring an adequate amount of water to each practice.
JEWELRY: All jewelry is to be removed during the game. This law comes directly from IFAB and FIFA and in place for all players safety. Newly pierced ears is NO exception. Bandaids and tape will not be permitted unless the jewelry is religiously and/or medically necessary.
U4-U8: Size 3
U9-U12: Size 4
U13 and up: Size 5
TOPSOCCER-US Youth Soccer's TOPSoccer (The Outreach Program for Soccer) is a recreational sports program for children and adults with intellectual, emotional, or physical disabilities offered only through local US Youth Soccer-affiliated soccer clubs. TOPSoccer provides people with diverse abilities an opportunity to play soccer in a structured environment that is safe, fun, supportive, and inclusive. McKinney Soccer Association provides this program free of charge. You can click here to go to MSA's TOPSoccer page.
If you have any other questions, you can reach out to us at